Want to spend a night on the farm?
Before you come to camp
Print, sign & bring the medical release form and the Equine Activity Release and Hold Harmless Agreement
Read our What to Bring to Camp page
Camp Details:
Overnight camp is on Wednesdays during the summer horse camp beginning July 3rd.
Minimum age is 9 years old
Camp space is limited to 6 campers
prior attendance at Adamsville stables day camp required
Overnight Camp Schedule:
1:00 - 3:30 pm - Group riding
4:00 Evening Chores
4:30-5:30 pm - pool time
5:30 - 6:30 pm - shower / clean up
6:30 - 9 pm - dinner, campfire, story telling, quiet time
9:00 pm- Lights out!
7:00 am- Breakfast
8:30 am pick up
All meals provided by Adamsville Stables. Please send camper with everything they will need for an overnight including a list of allergies, dietary restrictions & medications.
Sleeping accommodations:
Good weather- tents outside
Bad weather- tents outside!!!